from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type
from ax.modelbridge.registry import Models
# Ax data tranformation layer
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.acquisition import Acquisition
# Ax wrappers for BoTorch components
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.model import BoTorchModel
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.surrogate import Surrogate, SurrogateSpec
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.utils import ModelConfig
# Experiment examination utilities
from ax.service.utils.report_utils import exp_to_df
# Test Ax objects
from ax.utils.testing.core_stubs import (
from botorch.acquisition.logei import (
from botorch.models.gp_regression import SingleTaskGP
# BoTorch components
from botorch.models.model import Model
from gpytorch.mlls.exact_marginal_log_likelihood import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
Ax provides a set of flexible wrapper abstractions to mix-and-match BoTorch components like Model
and AcquisitionFunction
and combine them into a single Model
object in Ax. The wrapper abstractions: Surrogate
, Acquisition
, and BoTorchModel
– are located in ax/models/torch/botorch_modular
directory and aim to encapsulate boilerplate code that interfaces between Ax and BoTorch. This functionality is in beta-release and still evolving.
This tutorial walks through setting up a custom combination of BoTorch components in Ax in following steps:
= Surrogate
+ Acquisition
from BoTorch Model
(convenience wrapper that enables storage and resumability)BoTorchModel
in generation strategies (abstraction that allows to chain models together and use them in Ax Service API etc.)pending_observations
to avoid the model re-suggesting points that are part of RUNNING
or Acquisition
(for cases where existing subcomponent classes are not sufficient)Here we set up a BoTorchModel
with SingleTaskGP
with qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement
, one of the most popular combinations in Ax:
experiment = get_branin_experiment(with_trial=True)
data = get_branin_data(trials=[experiment.trials[0]])
[INFO 01-31 05:17:35] ax.core.experiment: The is_test flag has been set to True. This flag is meant purely for development and integration testing purposes. If you are running a live experiment, please set this flag to False
# `Models` automatically selects a model + model bridge combination.
# For `BOTORCH_MODULAR`, it will select `BoTorchModel` and `TorchModelBridge`.
model_bridge_with_GPEI = Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR(
), # Optional, will use default if unspecified
botorch_acqf_class=qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement, # Optional, will use default if unspecified
[INFO 01-31 05:17:35] ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y: Outcome branin is constant, within tolerance.
Now we can use this model to generate candidates (gen
), predict outcome at a point (predict
), or evaluate acquisition function value at a given point (evaluate_acquisition_function
generator_run = model_bridge_with_GPEI.gen(n=1)
Arm(parameters={'x1': -5.0, 'x2': 0.0})
Before you read the rest of this tutorial:
in Ax, as users should rarely be interacting with a Model
object directly (more about ModelBridge, a data transformation layer in Ax, here).A BoTorchModel
in Ax consists of two main subcomponents: a surrogate model and an acquisition function. A surrogate model is represented as an instance of Ax’s Surrogate
class, which is a wrapper around BoTorch's Model
class. The Surrogate is defined by a SurrogateSpec
. The acquisition function is represented as an instance of Ax’s Acquisition
class, a wrapper around BoTorch's AcquisitionFunction
BoTorchModel does not always require surrogate and acquisition specification. If instantiated without one or both components specified, defaults are selected based on properties of experiment and data (see Appendix 2 for auto-selection logic).
# The surrogate is not specified, so it will be auto-selected
# during ``.
GPEI_model = BoTorchModel(botorch_acqf_class=qLogExpectedImprovement)
# The acquisition class is not specified, so it will be
# auto-selected during `model.gen` or `model.evaluate_acquisition`
GPEI_model = BoTorchModel(
# Both the surrogate and acquisition class will be auto-selected.
GPEI_model = BoTorchModel()
Below are the full set of configurable settings of a BoTorchModel
with their descriptions:
model = BoTorchModel(
# Optional `Surrogate` specification to use instead of default
# BoTorch `Model` type
# Optional, MLL class with which to optimize model parameters
# Optional, dictionary of keyword arguments to underlying
# BoTorch `Model` constructor
# Optional BoTorch `AcquisitionFunction` to use instead of default
# Optional dict of keyword arguments, passed to the input
# constructor for the given BoTorch `AcquisitionFunction`
# Optional Ax `Acquisition` subclass (if the given BoTorch
# `AcquisitionFunction` requires one, which is rare)
# Less common model settings shown with default values, refer
# to `BoTorchModel` documentation for detail
and Acquisition
Q&A¶Why is the surrogate
argument expected to be an instance, but botorch_acqf_class
–– a class? Because a BoTorch AcquisitionFunction
object (and therefore its Ax wrapper, Acquisition
) is ephemeral: it is constructed, immediately used, and destroyed during BoTorchModel.gen
, so there is no reason to keep around an Acquisition
instance. A Surrogate
, on another hand, is kept in memory as long as its parent BoTorchModel
How to know when to use specify acquisition_class (and thereby a non-default Acquisition type) instead of just passing in botorch_acqf_class? In short, custom Acquisition
subclasses are needed when a given AcquisitionFunction
in BoTorch needs some non-standard subcomponents or inputs (e.g. a custom BoTorch MCAcquisitionObjective
Please post any other questions you have to our dedicated issue on Github: This functionality is in beta-release and your feedback will be of great help to us!
and AcquisitionFunction
I'd like to combine in Ax. How do set this up?¶Surrogate
from BoTorch Model
:¶Most models should work with base Surrogate
in Ax, except for BoTorch ModelListGP
. ModelListGP
is a special case because its purpose is to combine multiple sub-models into a single Model
in BoTorch. It is most commonly used for multi-objective and constrained optimization. Whether or not ModelListGP
is used is determined automatically based on the Model
class and the data being used via the ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.utils.use_model_list
If your Model
is not a ModelListGP
, the steps to set it up as a Surrogate
class method. The purpose of this method is to produce arguments to a particular model from a standardized set of inputs passed to BoTorch Model
-s from Surrogate.construct
in Ax. It should accept training data in form of a SupervisedDataset
container and optionally other keyword arguments and produce a dictionary of arguments to __init__
of the Model
. See SingleTaskMultiFidelityGP.construct_inputs
for an example.Model
constructor (that cannot be constructed from the training data and other arguments to construct_inputs
) via the model_options
argument to ModelConfig
in SurrogateSpec
.from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.utils.datasets import SupervisedDataset
class MyModelClass(Model):
... # Implementation of `MyModelClass`
def construct_inputs(
cls, training_data: SupervisedDataset, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
fidelity_features = kwargs.get("fidelity_features")
if fidelity_features is None:
raise ValueError(f"Fidelity features required for {cls.__name__}.")
return {
**super().construct_inputs(training_data=training_data, **kwargs),
"fidelity_features": fidelity_features,
surrogate_spec = SurrogateSpec(
botorch_model_class=MyModelClass, # Must implement `construct_inputs`
# Optional dict of additional keyword arguments to `MyModelClass`
NOTE: if you run into a case where base Surrogate
does not work with your BoTorch Model
, please let us know in this Github issue:, so we can find the right solution and augment this tutorial.
in Ax¶Steps to set up any AcquisitionFunction
in Ax are:
-s from Acquisition.__init__
in Ax. For example, see construct_inputs_qEHVI
, which creates a fairly complex set of arguments needed by qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement
–– a popular multi-objective optimization acquisition function offered in Ax and BoTorch. For more examples, see this collection in BoTorch: botorch/acquisition/
to register it.AcquisitionFunction
class as botorch_acqf_class
to BoTorchModel
argument to BoTorchModel
.from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.optimizer_argparse import optimizer_argparse
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.input_constructors import acqf_input_constructor, MaybeDict
from botorch.utils.datasets import SupervisedDataset
from torch import Tensor
class MyAcquisitionFunctionClass(AcquisitionFunction):
... # Actual contents of the acquisition function class.
# 1. Add input constructor
def construct_inputs_my_acqf(
model: Model,
training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset],
objective_thresholds: Tensor,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# 2-3. Specifying `botorch_acqf_class` and `acquisition_options`
"alpha": 10**-6,
# The sub-dict by the key "optimizer_options" can be passed
# to propagate options to `optimize_acqf`, used in
# `Acquisition.optimize`, to add/override the default
# optimizer options registered above.
"optimizer_options": {"sequential": False},
See section 2A for combining the resulting Surrogate
instance and Acquisition
type into a BoTorchModel
. You can also leverage Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
for ease of use; more on it in section 4 below or in section 1 quick-start example.
¶To simplify the instantiation of an Ax ModelBridge and its undelying Model, Ax provides a Models
registry enum. When calling entries of that enum (e.g. Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR(experiment, data)
), the inputs are automatically distributed between a Model
and a ModelBridge
for a given setup. A call to a Model
enum member yields a model bridge with an underlying model, ready for use to generate candidates.
Here we use Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
to set up a model with all-default subcomponents:
model_bridge_with_GPEI = Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR(
[INFO 01-31 05:17:36] ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y: Outcome branin is constant, within tolerance.
GeneratorRun(1 arms, total weight 1.0)
We can use the same Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
to set up a model for multi-objective optimization:
model_bridge_with_EHVI = Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR(
has_objective_thresholds=True, with_batch=True
[INFO 01-31 05:17:37] ax.core.experiment: The is_test flag has been set to True. This flag is meant purely for development and integration testing purposes. If you are running a live experiment, please set this flag to False
[INFO 01-31 05:17:37] ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y: Outcome branin_a is constant, within tolerance.
[INFO 01-31 05:17:37] ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y: Outcome branin_b is constant, within tolerance.
GeneratorRun(1 arms, total weight 1.0)
Furthermore, the quick-start example at the top of this tutorial shows how to specify surrogate and acquisition subcomponents to Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
in generation strategies¶Generation strategy is a key concept in Ax, enabling use of Service API (a.k.a. AxClient
) and many other higher-level abstractions. A GenerationStrategy
allows to chain multiple models in Ax and thereby automate candidate generation. Refer to the "Generation Strategy" tutorial for more detail in generation strategies.
An example generation stategy with the modular BoTorchModel
would look like this:
from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStep, GenerationStrategy
from ax.modelbridge.modelbridge_utils import get_pending_observation_features
gs = GenerationStrategy(
GenerationStep( # Initialization step
# Which model to use for this step
# How many generator runs (each of which is then made a trial)
# to produce with this step
# How many trials generated from this step must be `COMPLETED`
# before the next one
GenerationStep( # BayesOpt step
# No limit on how many generator runs will be produced
model_kwargs={ # Kwargs to pass to `BoTorchModel.__init__`
"surrogate_spec": SurrogateSpec(
"botorch_acqf_class": qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement,
Set up an experiment and generate 10 trials in it, adding synthetic data to experiment after each one:
experiment = get_branin_experiment(minimize=True)
assert len(experiment.trials) == 0
[INFO 01-31 05:17:38] ax.core.experiment: The is_test flag has been set to True. This flag is meant purely for development and integration testing purposes. If you are running a live experiment, please set this flag to False
SearchSpace(parameters=[RangeParameter(name='x1', parameter_type=FLOAT, range=[-5.0, 10.0]), RangeParameter(name='x2', parameter_type=FLOAT, range=[0.0, 15.0])], parameter_constraints=[])
¶Note that it's important to specify pending observations to the call to gen
to avoid getting the same points re-suggested. Without pending_observations
argument, Ax models are not aware of points that should be excluded from generation. Points are considered "pending" when they belong to STAGED
trials (with the latter included so model does not re-suggest points that are considered "bad" and should not be re-suggested).
If the call to get_pending_observation_features
becomes slow in your setup (since it performs data-fetching etc.), you can opt for get_pending_observation_features_based_on_trial_status
(also from ax.modelbridge.modelbridge_utils
), but note the limitations of that utility (detailed in its docstring).
for _ in range(10):
# Produce a new generator run and attach it to experiment as a trial
generator_run = gs.gen(
trial = experiment.new_trial(generator_run)
# Mark the trial as 'RUNNING' so we can mark it 'COMPLETED' later
# Attach data for the new trial and mark it 'COMPLETED'
print(f"Completed trial #{trial.index}, suggested by {generator_run._model_key}.")
/tmp/tmp.8SPGnWMU26/Ax-main/ax/modelbridge/ UserWarning: Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: RandomModelBridge does not support prediction. warn("Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: " + str(e)) /tmp/tmp.8SPGnWMU26/Ax-main/ax/modelbridge/ UserWarning: Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: RandomModelBridge does not support prediction. warn("Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: " + str(e)) /tmp/tmp.8SPGnWMU26/Ax-main/ax/modelbridge/ UserWarning: Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: RandomModelBridge does not support prediction. warn("Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: " + str(e)) /tmp/tmp.8SPGnWMU26/Ax-main/ax/modelbridge/ UserWarning: Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: RandomModelBridge does not support prediction. warn("Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: " + str(e)) /tmp/tmp.8SPGnWMU26/Ax-main/ax/modelbridge/ UserWarning: Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: RandomModelBridge does not support prediction. warn("Encountered exception in computing model fit quality: " + str(e))
Completed trial #0, suggested by Sobol. Completed trial #1, suggested by Sobol. Completed trial #2, suggested by Sobol. Completed trial #3, suggested by Sobol. Completed trial #4, suggested by Sobol.
Completed trial #5, suggested by BoTorch.
Completed trial #6, suggested by BoTorch.
Completed trial #7, suggested by BoTorch.
Completed trial #8, suggested by BoTorch.
Completed trial #9, suggested by BoTorch.
Now we examine the experiment and observe the trials that were added to it and produced by the generation strategy:
trial_index | arm_name | trial_status | generation_method | branin | x1 | x2 | |
0 | 0 | 0_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | 103.429936 | -3.709676 | 3.606025 |
1 | 1 | 1_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | 126.108500 | 9.094682 | 13.399565 |
2 | 2 | 2_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | 11.718261 | 2.866662 | 5.809724 |
3 | 3 | 3_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | 52.433730 | 0.670977 | 10.899008 |
4 | 4 | 4_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | 26.141395 | -0.690215 | 4.204193 |
5 | 5 | 5_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | 9.849857 | 1.586435 | 3.804234 |
6 | 6 | 6_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | 14.901348 | 1.320895 | 5.712676 |
7 | 7 | 7_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | 9.264892 | 4.631019 | 1.187082 |
8 | 8 | 8_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | 2.556494 | 3.635461 | 2.926951 |
9 | 9 | 9_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | 1.866536 | 3.441607 | 1.032980 |
or Acquisition
¶We expect the base Surrogate
and Acquisition
classes to work with most BoTorch components, but there could be a case where you would need to subclass one of aforementioned abstractions to handle a given BoTorch component. If you run into a case like this, feel free to open an issue on our Github issues page –– it would be very useful for us to know
One such example would be a need for a custom MCAcquisitionObjective
or posterior transform. To subclass Acquisition
accordingly, one would override the get_botorch_objective_and_transform
from botorch.acquisition.objective import MCAcquisitionObjective, PosteriorTransform
from botorch.acquisition.risk_measures import RiskMeasureMCObjective
class CustomObjectiveAcquisition(Acquisition):
def get_botorch_objective_and_transform(
botorch_acqf_class: Type[AcquisitionFunction],
model: Model,
objective_weights: Tensor,
objective_thresholds: Optional[Tensor] = None,
outcome_constraints: Optional[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = None,
X_observed: Optional[Tensor] = None,
risk_measure: Optional[RiskMeasureMCObjective] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective], Optional[PosteriorTransform]]:
... # Produce the desired `MCAcquisitionObjective` and `PosteriorTransform` instead of the default
Then to use the new subclass in BoTorchModel
, just specify acquisition_class
argument along with botorch_acqf_class
(to BoTorchModel
directly or to Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
, which just passes the relevant arguments to BoTorchModel
under the hood, as discussed in section 4):
[INFO 01-31 05:17:41] ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y: Outcome branin is constant, within tolerance.
To use a custom Surrogate
subclass, pass the surrogate
argument of that type:
¶Note that usually all these methods are used through ModelBridge
–– a convertion and transformation layer that adapts Ax abstractions to inputs required by the given model.
Core methods on BoTorchModel
selects a surrogate if needed and fits the surrogate model to data via
estimates metric values at a given point via Surrogate.predict
instantiates an acquisition function via Acquisition.__init__
and optimizes it to generate candidates.Other methods on BoTorchModel
updates surrogate model with training data and optionally reoptimizes model parameters via Surrogate.update
re-fits the surrogate model to subset of training data and makes predictions for test data,evaluate_acquisition_function
instantiates an acquisition function and evaluates it for a given point.By default, the chosen surrogate model will be:
wrapped in a ModelListGP
and each modeling one task,SingleTaskGP
otherwise.The chosen acquisition function will be:
.Attempting to store a generator run produced via Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR
instance that included options without serization logic with will produce an error like: "Object <SomeAcquisitionOption object> passed to 'object_to_json' (of type <class SomeAcquisitionOption'>) is not registered with a corresponding encoder in ENCODER_REGISTRY."
The two options for handling this error are:
's options by passing no_model_options_storage=True
to Models.BOTORCH_MODULAR(...)
call –– this will prevent model options from being stored on the generator run, so a generator run can be saved but cannot be used to restore the model that produced it,Model
or AcquisitionFunction
options. Tutorial for this is in the works, but in the meantime you can post an issue on the Ax GitHub to get help with this.Total runtime of script: 12.04 seconds.