Source code for ax.utils.testing.preference_stubs

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from import Callable
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import torch
from ax.core import Arm, GeneratorRun
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.types import TEvaluationOutcome, TParameterization
from ax.service.utils.instantiation import InstantiationBase
from ax.utils.common.constants import Keys
from botorch.utils.sampling import draw_sobol_samples
from pyre_extensions import assert_is_instance, none_throws

# from ExperimentType in ae/lazarus/fb/utils/if/ae.thrift

[docs] def sum_utility(parameters: TParameterization) -> float: """Test utility function that sums over parameter values""" values = [assert_is_instance(v, float) for v in parameters.values()] return sum(values)
[docs] def pairwise_pref_metric_eval( parameters: dict[str, TParameterization], utility_func: Callable[[TParameterization], float] = sum_utility, ) -> dict[str, TEvaluationOutcome]: """evaluating pairwise comparisons using utility_func""" assert len(parameters.keys()) == 2 arm1, arm2 = list(parameters.keys()) arm1_sum, arm2_sum = sum_utility(parameters[arm1]), sum_utility(parameters[arm2]) is_arm1_preferred = int(arm1_sum - arm2_sum > 0) return { arm1: {Keys.PAIRWISE_PREFERENCE_QUERY.value: is_arm1_preferred}, arm2: {Keys.PAIRWISE_PREFERENCE_QUERY.value: 1 - is_arm1_preferred}, }
def _metric_name_to_value(metric_name: str, metric_names: list[str]) -> float: i = sorted(metric_names).index(metric_name) return (i + 1) * 1000.0 + np.random.standard_normal()
[docs] def experimental_metric_eval( parameters: dict[str, Any], metric_names: list[str] ) -> dict[str, TEvaluationOutcome]: """evaluating experimental metrics Args: parameters: Dict of arm name to parameterization metric_names: List of metric names Returns: Dict of arm name to metric name to (mean, sem) """ result_dict = {} for arm_name in parameters.keys(): result_dict[arm_name] = { metric_name: ( _metric_name_to_value(metric_name, metric_names), 10.0, ) for metric_name in metric_names } return result_dict
[docs] def get_pbo_experiment( num_parameters: int = 2, num_experimental_metrics: int = 3, parameter_names: list[str] | None = None, tracking_metric_names: list[str] | None = None, num_experimental_trials: int = 3, num_preference_trials: int = 3, num_preference_trials_w_repeated_arm: int = 5, include_sq: bool = True, partial_data: bool = False, unbounded_search_space: bool = False, experiment_name: str = "pref_experiment", ) -> Experiment: """Create synthetic preferential BO experiment""" if tracking_metric_names is None: tracking_metric_names = [ f"metric{i}" for i in range(1, num_experimental_metrics + 1) ] else: assert len(tracking_metric_names) == num_experimental_metrics if parameter_names is None: parameter_names = [f"x{i}" for i in range(1, num_parameters + 1)] else: assert len(parameter_names) == num_parameters param_bounds = [10.0, 30.0] if not unbounded_search_space else [-1e9, 1e9] sq = ( {param_name: np.mean(param_bounds) for param_name in parameter_names} if include_sq else None ) parameters = [ { "name": param_name, "type": "range", # make the default search space non-unit for better clarity in testing "bounds": param_bounds, } for param_name in parameter_names ] has_preference_query = ( num_preference_trials > 0 or num_preference_trials_w_repeated_arm > 0 ) if has_preference_query: objectives = {Keys.PAIRWISE_PREFERENCE_QUERY.value: "maximize"} elif len(tracking_metric_names) > 0: objectives = {tracking_metric_names[0]: "maximize"} else: objectives = None experiment = InstantiationBase.make_experiment( name=experiment_name, description="This is a test exp", experiment_type="NOTEBOOK", owners=["test_owner"], # pyre-ignore: Incompatible parameter type [6] parameters=parameters, objectives=objectives, tracking_metric_names=tracking_metric_names, is_test=True, # pyre-fixme[6]: For 9th argument expected `Optional[Dict[str, Union[None, # bool, float, int, str]]]` but got `Optional[Dict[str, # floating[typing.Any]]]`. status_quo=sq, ) # Adding arms with experimental metrics t_bounds = torch.full( (2, len(parameter_names)), param_bounds[0], dtype=torch.double ) t_bounds[1] = param_bounds[1] X = None if num_experimental_trials > 0: X = draw_sobol_samples( bounds=t_bounds, n=num_experimental_trials, q=1, seed=0 ).squeeze(1) for t in range(num_experimental_trials): arm = {} for i, param_name in enumerate(experiment.search_space.parameters.keys()): arm[param_name] = none_throws(X)[t, i].item() gr = ( # pyre-ignore: Incompatible parameter type [6] GeneratorRun([Arm(arm), Arm(sq)]) if include_sq else GeneratorRun([Arm(arm)]) ) trial = experiment.new_batch_trial(generator_run=gr) raw_data = experimental_metric_eval( parameters={ a.parameters for a in trial.arms}, metric_names=tracking_metric_names, ) # create incomplete data by dropping the first metric if partial_data: for v in raw_data.values(): del assert_is_instance(v, dict)[tracking_metric_names[-1]] trial.attach_batch_trial_data(raw_data=raw_data) trial.mark_running(no_runner_required=True) trial.mark_completed() # Adding arms with preferential queries if not unbounded_search_space and num_preference_trials > 0: X = draw_sobol_samples( bounds=t_bounds, n=2 * num_preference_trials, q=1, seed=0 ).squeeze(1) for t in range(num_preference_trials): arms = [] for j in range(2): param_dict = {} for i, param_name in enumerate(experiment.search_space.parameters.keys()): # if this experiment used as PE experiment if unbounded_search_space: # matching how metrics are generated in experimental_metric_eval param_dict[param_name] = _metric_name_to_value( metric_name=param_name, metric_names=parameter_names ) else: param_dict[param_name] = none_throws(X)[t * 2 + j, i].item() arms.append(Arm(parameters=param_dict)) gr = GeneratorRun(arms) trial = experiment.new_batch_trial(generator_run=gr) trial.attach_batch_trial_data( raw_data=pairwise_pref_metric_eval( parameters={ a.parameters for a in trial.arms} ) ) trial.mark_running(no_runner_required=True) trial.mark_completed() # Adding preferential queries using previously evaluated arms for _ in range(num_preference_trials_w_repeated_arm): arms = np.random.choice( list(experiment.arms_by_name.values()), 2, replace=False ) trial = experiment.new_batch_trial() trial.add_arms_and_weights(arms=arms) trial.attach_batch_trial_data( raw_data=pairwise_pref_metric_eval( parameters={ a.parameters for a in trial.arms} ) ) trial.mark_running(no_runner_required=True) trial.mark_completed() return experiment