Source code for ax.utils.sensitivity.derivative_measures

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from import Callable
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any

import torch
from ax.utils.sensitivity.derivative_gp import posterior_derivative
from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.posteriors.gpytorch import GPyTorchPosterior
from botorch.posteriors.posterior import Posterior
from botorch.sampling.normal import SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.sampling import draw_sobol_samples
from botorch.utils.transforms import unnormalize
from gpytorch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
from pyre_extensions import assert_is_instance, none_throws

[docs] def sample_discrete_parameters( input_mc_samples: torch.Tensor, discrete_features: None | list[int], bounds: torch.Tensor, num_mc_samples: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Samples the input parameters uniformly at random for the discrete features. Args: input_mc_samples: The input mc samples tensor to be modified. discrete_features: A list of integers (or None) of indices corresponding to discrete features. bounds: The parameter bounds. num_mc_samples: The number of Monte Carlo grid samples. Returns: A modified input mc samples tensor. """ if discrete_features is None: return input_mc_samples all_low = bounds[0, discrete_features].to( all_high = (bounds[1, discrete_features]).to( for i, low, high in zip(discrete_features, all_low, all_high): randint = partial(torch.randint, low=low, high=high + 1) input_mc_samples[:, i] = randint(size=torch.Size([num_mc_samples])) return input_mc_samples
[docs] class GpDGSMGpMean: mean_gradients: torch.Tensor | None = None bootstrap_indices: torch.Tensor | None = None mean_gradients_btsp: list[torch.Tensor] | None = None def __init__( self, model: Model, bounds: torch.Tensor, derivative_gp: bool = False, kernel_type: str | None = None, Y_scale: float = 1.0, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, input_qmc: bool = False, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.double, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, discrete_features: list[int] | None = None, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of derivative based measures: the gradient, the gradient square and the gradient absolute measures. Args: model: A BoTorch model. bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. derivative_gp: If true, the derivative of the GP is used to compute the gradient instead of backward. kernel_type: Takes "rbf" or "matern", set only if `derivative_gp` is true. Y_scale: Scale the derivatives by this amount, to undo scaling done on the training data. num_mc_samples: The number of MonteCarlo grid samples input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. dtype: Can be provided if the GP is fit to data of type `torch.float`. num_bootstrap_samples: If higher than 1, the method will compute the dgsm measure `num_bootstrap_samples` times by selecting subsamples from the `input_mc_samples` and return the variance and standard error across all computed measures. discrete_features: If specified, the inputs associated with the indices in this list are generated using an integer-valued uniform distribution, rather than the default (pseudo-)random continuous uniform distribution. """ # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.dim = assert_is_instance(model.train_inputs, tuple)[0].shape[-1] self.derivative_gp = derivative_gp self.kernel_type = kernel_type # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.num_bootstrap_samples = ( num_bootstrap_samples - 1 ) # deduct 1 because the first is meant to be the full grid if self.derivative_gp and (self.kernel_type is None): raise ValueError("Kernel type has to be specified to use derivative GP") self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples if input_qmc: # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.input_mc_samples = ( draw_sobol_samples(bounds=bounds, n=num_mc_samples, q=1, seed=1234) .squeeze(1) .to(dtype) ) else: self.input_mc_samples = unnormalize( torch.rand(num_mc_samples, self.dim, dtype=dtype), bounds=bounds, ) # uniform integral distribution for discrete features self.input_mc_samples = sample_discrete_parameters( input_mc_samples=self.input_mc_samples, discrete_features=discrete_features, bounds=bounds, num_mc_samples=num_mc_samples, ) if self.derivative_gp: posterior = posterior_derivative( model, self.input_mc_samples, none_throws(self.kernel_type) ) else: self.input_mc_samples.requires_grad = True posterior = assert_is_instance( model.posterior(self.input_mc_samples), GPyTorchPosterior ) self._compute_gradient_quantities(posterior, Y_scale) def _compute_gradient_quantities( self, posterior: GPyTorchPosterior | MultivariateNormal, Y_scale: float ) -> None: if self.derivative_gp: self.mean_gradients = ( assert_is_instance(posterior.mean, torch.Tensor) * Y_scale ) else: predictive_mean = posterior.mean torch.sum(predictive_mean).backward() self.mean_gradients = ( assert_is_instance(self.input_mc_samples.grad, torch.Tensor) * Y_scale ) if self.bootstrap: subset_size = 2 self.bootstrap_indices = torch.randint( 0, self.num_mc_samples, (self.num_bootstrap_samples, subset_size) ) self.mean_gradients_btsp = [ torch.index_select( assert_is_instance(self.mean_gradients, torch.Tensor), 0, indices ) for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ]
[docs] def aggregation( self, transform_fun: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] ) -> torch.Tensor: gradients_measure = torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(transform_fun(none_throws(self.mean_gradients)[:, i])) for i in range(self.dim) ] ) if not (self.bootstrap): return gradients_measure else: gradients_measures_btsp = [gradients_measure.unsqueeze(0)] for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): gradients_measures_btsp.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean( transform_fun( none_throws(self.mean_gradients_btsp)[b][:, i] ) ) for i in range(self.dim) ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) gradients_measures_btsp =, dim=0) return ( [ gradients_measures_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), gradients_measures_btsp.var(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( gradients_measures_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
[docs] def gradient_measure(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the gradient measure: Returns: if `self.num_bootstrap_samples > 1` Tensor: (values, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values) x dim """ return self.aggregation(torch.as_tensor)
[docs] def gradient_absolute_measure(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the gradient absolute measure: Returns: if `self.num_bootstrap_samples > 1` Tensor: (values, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values) x dim """ return self.aggregation(torch.abs)
[docs] def gradients_square_measure(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the gradient square measure: Returns: if `num_bootstrap_samples > 1` Tensor: (values, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values) x dim """ return self.aggregation(torch.square)
[docs] class GpDGSMGpSampling(GpDGSMGpMean): samples_gradients: torch.Tensor | None = None samples_gradients_btsp: list[torch.Tensor] | None = None def __init__( self, model: Model, bounds: torch.Tensor, num_gp_samples: int, derivative_gp: bool = False, kernel_type: str | None = None, Y_scale: float = 1.0, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, input_qmc: bool = False, gp_sample_qmc: bool = False, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.double, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of derivative based measures: the gradient, the gradient square and the gradient absolute measures. Args: model: A BoTorch model. bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. num_gp_samples: If method is "GP samples", the number of GP samples has to be set. derivative_gp: If true, the derivative of the GP is used to compute the gradient instead of backward. kernel_type: Takes "rbf" or "matern", set only if `derivative_gp` is true. Y_scale: Scale the derivatives by this amount, to undo scaling done on the training data. num_mc_samples: The number of Monte Carlo grid samples. input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is used instead of uniformly random. gp_sample_qmc: If True, the posterior sampling is done using `SobolQMCNormalSampler`. dtype: Can be provided if the GP is fit to data of type `torch.float`. num_bootstrap_samples: If higher than 1, the method will compute the dgsm measure `num_bootstrap_samples` times by selecting subsamples from the `input_mc_samples` and return the variance and standard error across all computed measures. Returns values of gradient_measure, gradient_absolute_measure and gradients_square_measure change to the following: if `num_bootstrap_samples > 1`: Tensor: (values, var_gp, stderr_gp, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values, var_gp, stderr_gp) x dim """ self.num_gp_samples = num_gp_samples self.gp_sample_qmc = gp_sample_qmc self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples super().__init__( model=model, bounds=bounds, derivative_gp=derivative_gp, kernel_type=kernel_type, Y_scale=Y_scale, num_mc_samples=num_mc_samples, input_qmc=input_qmc, dtype=dtype, num_bootstrap_samples=num_bootstrap_samples, ) def _compute_gradient_quantities( self, posterior: Posterior | MultivariateNormal, Y_scale: float ) -> None: if self.gp_sample_qmc: sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler( sample_shape=torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples]), seed=0 ) samples = sampler(posterior) else: samples = posterior.rsample(torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples])) if self.derivative_gp: self.samples_gradients = samples * Y_scale else: samples_gradients = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): torch.sum(samples[j]).backward(retain_graph=True) samples_gradients.append( deepcopy(self.input_mc_samples.grad).unsqueeze(0) ) self.samples_gradients =, dim=0) * Y_scale if self.bootstrap: subset_size = 2 self.bootstrap_indices = torch.randint( 0, self.num_mc_samples, (self.num_bootstrap_samples, subset_size) ) self.samples_gradients_btsp = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): none_throws(self.samples_gradients_btsp).append( [ torch.index_select( none_throws(self.samples_gradients)[j], 0, indices ).unsqueeze(0) for indices in none_throws(self.bootstrap_indices) ], dim=0, ) )
[docs] def aggregation( self, transform_fun: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] ) -> torch.Tensor: gradients_measure_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): gradients_measure_list.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean( transform_fun(none_throws(self.samples_gradients)[j][:, i]) ) for i in range(self.dim) ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) gradients_measure_list =, dim=0) if not (self.bootstrap): gradients_measure_mean_var = [] for i in range(self.dim): gradients_measure_mean_var.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(gradients_measure_list[:, i]), torch.var(gradients_measure_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(gradients_measure_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) gradients_measure_mean_var =, dim=0) return gradients_measure_mean_var else: gradients_measure_list_btsp = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): gradients_measure_btsp = [gradients_measure_list[j].unsqueeze(0)] + [ torch.tensor( [ torch.mean( transform_fun( none_throws(self.samples_gradients_btsp)[j][b][:, i] ) ) for i in range(self.dim) ] ).unsqueeze(0) for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples) ] gradients_measure_list_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) gradients_measure_list_btsp =, dim=0) var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(gradients_measure_list_btsp, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(gradients_measure_list_btsp, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) total_mean = gradients_measure_list_btsp.reshape(-1, self.dim).mean(dim=0) gradients_measure_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.dim) ], dim=0, ) return gradients_measure_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs] def compute_derivatives_from_model_list( model_list: list[Model], bounds: torch.Tensor, discrete_features: list[int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes average derivatives of a list of models on a bounded domain. Estimation is according to the GP posterior mean function. Args: model_list: A list of m botorch.models.model.Model types for which to compute the average derivative. bounds: A 2 x d Tensor of lower and upper bounds of the domain of the models. discrete_features: If specified, the inputs associated with the indices in this list are generated using an integer-valued uniform distribution, rather than the default (pseudo-)random continuous uniform distribution. kwargs: Passed along to GpDGSMGpMean. Returns: A (m x d) tensor of gradient measures. """ indices = [] for model in model_list: sens_class = GpDGSMGpMean( model=model, bounds=bounds, discrete_features=discrete_features, **kwargs ) indices.append(sens_class.gradient_measure()) return torch.stack(indices)