Source code for ax.service.utils.scheduler_options
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# pyre-strict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from logging import INFO
from typing import Any
from ax.early_stopping.strategies import BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy
from ax.global_stopping.strategies.base import BaseGlobalStoppingStrategy
class TrialType(Enum):
class SchedulerOptions:
"""Settings for a scheduler instance.
max_pending_trials: Maximum number of pending trials the scheduler
can have ``STAGED`` or ``RUNNING`` at once, required. If looking
to use ``Runner.poll_available_capacity`` as a primary guide for
how many trials should be pending at a given time, set this limit
to a high number, as an upper bound on number of trials that
should not be exceeded.
trial_type: Type of trials (1-arm ``Trial`` or multi-arm ``Batch
Trial``) that will be deployed using the scheduler. Defaults
to 1-arm `Trial`. NOTE: use ``BatchTrial`` only if need to
evaluate multiple arms *together*, e.g. in an A/B-test
influenced by data nonstationarity. For cases where just
deploying multiple arms at once is beneficial but the trials
are evaluated *independently*, implement ``run_trials`` method
in scheduler subclass, to deploy multiple 1-arm trials at
the same time.
batch_size: If using BatchTrial the number of arms to be generated and
deployed per trial.
total_trials: Limit on number of trials a given ``Scheduler``
should run. If no stopping criteria are implemented on
a given scheduler, exhaustion of this number of trials
will be used as default stopping criterion in
``Scheduler.run_all_trials``. Required to be non-null if
using ``Scheduler.run_all_trials`` (not required for
tolerated_trial_failure_rate: Fraction of trials in this
optimization that are allowed to fail without the whole
optimization ending. Expects value between 0 and 1.
NOTE: Failure rate checks begin once
min_failed_trials_for_failure_rate_check trials have
failed; after that point if the ratio of failed trials
to total trials ran so far exceeds the failure rate,
the optimization will halt.
min_failed_trials_for_failure_rate_check: The minimum number
of trials that must fail in `Scheduler` in order to start
checking failure rate.
log_filepath: File, to which to write optimization logs.
logging_level: Minimum level of logging statements to log,
defaults to ``logging.INFO``.
ttl_seconds_for_trials: Optional TTL for all trials created
within this ``Scheduler``, in seconds. Trials that remain
``RUNNING`` for more than their TTL seconds will be marked
``FAILED`` once the TTL elapses and may be re-suggested by
the Ax optimization models.
init_seconds_between_polls: Initial wait between rounds of
polling, in seconds. Relevant if using the default wait-
for-completed-runs functionality of the base ``Scheduler``
(if ``wait_for_completed_trials_and_report_results`` is not
overridden). With the default waiting, every time a poll
returns that no trial evaluations completed, wait
time will increase; once some completed trial evaluations
are found, it will reset back to this value. Specify 0
to not introduce any wait between polls.
min_seconds_before_poll: Minimum number of seconds between
beginning to run a trial and the first poll to check
trial status.
timeout_hours: Number of hours after which the optimization will abort.
seconds_between_polls_backoff_factor: The rate at which the poll
interval increases.
run_trials_in_batches: If True and ``poll_available_capacity`` is
implemented to return non-null results, trials will be dispatched
in groups via `run_trials` instead of one-by-one via ``run_trial``.
This allows to save time, IO calls or computation in cases where
dispatching trials in groups is more efficient then sequential
deployment. The size of the groups will be determined as
the minimum of ``self.poll_available_capacity()`` and the number
of generator runs that the generation strategy is able to produce
without more data or reaching its allowed max paralellism limit.
debug_log_run_metadata: Whether to log run_metadata for debugging purposes.
early_stopping_strategy: A ``BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy`` that determines
whether a trial should be stopped given the current state of
the experiment. Used in ``should_stop_trials_early``.
global_stopping_strategy: A ``BaseGlobalStoppingStrategy`` that determines
whether the full optimization should be stopped or not.
suppress_storage_errors_after_retries: Whether to fully suppress SQL
storage-related errors if encountered, after retrying the call
multiple times. Only use if SQL storage is not important for the given
use case, since this will only log, but not raise, an exception if
it's encountered while saving to DB or loading from it.
wait_for_running_trials: Whether the scheduler should wait for running trials
or exit.
fetch_kwargs: Kwargs to be used when fetching data.
validate_metrics: Whether to raise an error if there is a problem with the
metrics attached to the experiment.
status_quo_weight: The weight of the status quo arm. This is only used
if the scheduler is using a BatchTrial. This requires that the status_quo
be set on the experiment.
enforce_immutable_search_space_and_opt_config: Whether to enforce that the
search space and optimization config are immutable. If true, will add
`"immutable_search_space_and_opt_config": True` to experiment properties
mt_experiment_trial_type: Type of trial to run for MultiTypeExperiments. This
is currently required for MultiTypeExperiments. This is ignored for
"regular" or single type experiments. If you don't know what a single type
experiment is, you don't need this.
force_candidate_generation: Whether to force candidate generation even if the
generation strategy is not ready to generate candidates, meaning one of the
transition criteria with block_gen_if_met is met.
**This is not yet implemented.**
max_pending_trials: int = 10
trial_type: TrialType = TrialType.TRIAL
batch_size: int | None = None
total_trials: int | None = None
tolerated_trial_failure_rate: float = 0.5
min_failed_trials_for_failure_rate_check: int = 5
log_filepath: str | None = None
logging_level: int = INFO
ttl_seconds_for_trials: int | None = None
init_seconds_between_polls: int | None = 1
min_seconds_before_poll: float = 1.0
seconds_between_polls_backoff_factor: float = 1.5
run_trials_in_batches: bool = False
debug_log_run_metadata: bool = False
early_stopping_strategy: BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy | None = None
global_stopping_strategy: BaseGlobalStoppingStrategy | None = None
suppress_storage_errors_after_retries: bool = False
wait_for_running_trials: bool = True
fetch_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
validate_metrics: bool = True
status_quo_weight: float = 0.0
enforce_immutable_search_space_and_opt_config: bool = True
mt_experiment_trial_type: str | None = None
force_candidate_generation: bool = False
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.early_stopping_strategy is not None:
object.__setattr__(self, "seconds_between_polls_backoff_factor", 1)