Source code for ax.models.discrete.eb_ashr

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import functools
import warnings
from import Callable, Mapping, Sequence

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from ax.core.types import TGenMetadata, TParamValue, TParamValueList
from ax.models.discrete.ashr_utils import Ashr, GaussianMixture
from ax.models.discrete.thompson import ThompsonSampler
from ax.models.discrete_base import DiscreteModel
from ax.models.types import TConfig
from ax.utils.common.docutils import copy_doc
from pyre_extensions import none_throws

[docs] class EBAshr(ThompsonSampler): """ Determines feasible arms and sorts them by the objective improvements. Feasibile arms are required to have probability of feasibility with respect to all metrics in objective and constraints above 1-regression_prob_threshold, otherwise they are deemed infeasible. These probabilities are computed via the discrete emprirical Bayes Ashr model. Shrinkage: Ashr model provides shrinkage to metric outcomes across arms with model fitted separately for each metric. Prior: Ashr model uses a prior consisting of mixture of Gaussian distributions, all of which are centered at zero. The number of Gaussians in the prior and their variances are chosen based on observed data to cover the whole data range. One of the variances is chosen to be zero so that one of the Gaussians in the prior mixture is a point mass at zero. The mixture proportions in the prior are learned based on observed outcome data (Ys) and their standard errors (Yvars) via standard empirical Bayes methodology. The method operates in the outcome space and it doesn't use the space of features (Xs). """ def __init__( self, eb_penalty_param: float = 1.0, eb_nsteps: int = 1000, eb_threshold: float = 10e-4, eb_grid_param: float = 2, min_variance_threshold: float = 10e-16, ) -> None: r""" Args: eb_penalty_param: Penalty parameter, part of Ashr model log-likelihood, represents the amount of shrinkage towards zero. Penalty parameter takes real values no smaller than 1. The default 1 means there will be regular shrinkage from the Bayes model and the prior but not additional shrinkage. Parameter value above one encourages overestimation of the null (zero) class so there is additional shrinkage. Recommended parameter range is [1, 10]. eb_nsteps: The number of steps in Ashr fitting EM algorithm. eb_threshold: The precision threshold in Ashr fitting EM algorithm. eb_grid_param: The grid parameter affecting the number of Gaaussians in the prior mixture for Ashr prior distribution. min_variance_thresold: All observed test groups/arms with variance below this threshold will be considered fixed variables with zero variance. """ self.X: Sequence[Sequence[TParamValue]] | None = None self.Ys: Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None self.Yvars: Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None self.X_to_Ys_and_Yvars: ( list[dict[TParamValueList, tuple[float, float]]] | None ) = None # for each metric, posterior_feasibility gives # posterior probabilities of feasibility across all arms self.posterior_feasibility: ( list[Callable[[float, float], npt.NDArray]] | None ) = None self.eb_penalty_param: float = eb_penalty_param self.eb_nsteps: int = eb_nsteps self.eb_threshold: float = eb_threshold self.eb_grid_param: float = eb_grid_param self.min_variance_threshold: float = min_variance_threshold def _fit_Ys_and_Yvars( self, Ys: Sequence[Sequence[float]], Yvars: Sequence[Sequence[float]], outcome_names: Sequence[str], ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[list[float]]]: r""" Args: Ys: List of length m of measured metrics across k arms. The outcomes are assumed to be relativized with respect to status quo. Yvars: List of length m of measured metrics variances across arms. outcome_names: List of m metric names. Returns: A tuple containing - shrinken outcome estimates and - their variances. """ newYs = [] newYvars = [] self.posterior_feasibility = [] for Y, Yvar in zip(Ys, Yvars, strict=True): newY: npt.NDArray = np.array(Y, dtype=float) newYvar = np.array(Yvar, dtype=float) # excluding arms with zero variance, e.g. status quo nonconstant_rvs = np.abs(newYvar) > self.min_variance_threshold # Case where the standard deviations are not infinitesimal, so we do # shrinkage. if nonconstant_rvs.any(): # Ashr model applied to arms with non-zero variance stats = newY[nonconstant_rvs] variances = newYvar[nonconstant_rvs] # setting up the Ashr model model = Ashr(Y=stats, Yvar=variances, eb_grid_param=self.eb_grid_param) k = len(model.prior_vars) # run Ashr fitting procedure model_fit = lambdas=np.array([self.eb_penalty_param] + [1.0] * (k - 1)), nsteps=self.eb_nsteps, threshold=self.eb_threshold, ) # Ashr model posterior posterior = model.posterior(model_fit["weights"]) newY[nonconstant_rvs] = posterior.means newYvar[nonconstant_rvs] = posterior.vars f_posterior_feas: Callable[[float, float], npt.NDArray] = ( functools.partial( posterior_feasibility_util, posterior=posterior, nonconstant_rvs=nonconstant_rvs, Y=newY, ) ) else: f_posterior_feas: Callable[[float, float], npt.NDArray] = ( functools.partial(no_model_feasibility_util, Y=newY) ) none_throws(self.posterior_feasibility).append(f_posterior_feas) newYs.append(list(newY)) newYvars.append(list(newYvar)) return newYs, newYvars def _check_metric_direction( self, objective_weights: npt.NDArray, outcome_constraints: tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray] | None = None, ) -> npt.NDArray: r""" Args: objective_weights: A length m array corresponding to the metrics weights in a maximization problem. A positive weight means the corresponding metric succeeding in the positive direction. A negative weight means the corresponding metric succeeding in the negative direction. Outcomes that are modeled but not part of the objective get objective weight 0. outcome_constraints: A tuple of (A, b), where A is of size (num of constraints x m), m is the number of outputs/metrics, and b is of size (num of constraints x 1). Returns: A boolean array of length m indicating the direction of success for each metric. """ # metrics in the objective upper_is_better = objective_weights > 0 # constraints if outcome_constraints: A, b = outcome_constraints upper_is_better_constraints = -np.apply_along_axis( np.sum, 0, A ) # column-wise (arm-wise) objectives = objective_weights != 0 upper_is_better[~objectives] = upper_is_better_constraints[~objectives] return upper_is_better def _get_regression_indicator( self, objective_weights: npt.NDArray, outcome_constraints: tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray] | None = None, regression_prob_threshold: float = 0.90, ) -> tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]: r""" Args: regression_prob_threshold: Arms having a regression probability with respect to any metric (in either objective or constraints) above a given threshold are marked as regressions. Returns: A tuple containing: - A length k array containing regression indicators for each of the k arms. - (num of arms, num of metrics) matrix of arm, metric pairs, (i, j)-entry corresponds to the probability of infeasibility or i-th arm and j-th metric. """ num_metrics = len(none_throws(self.Ys)) num_arms = len(none_throws(self.Ys)[0]) prob_infeasibility = np.zeros( (num_arms, num_metrics), dtype=float ) # (num of arms) x (num of metrics) upper_is_better = self._check_metric_direction( objective_weights=objective_weights, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints ) if np.sum(abs(objective_weights) > 0) > 1: warnings.warn( "In case of multi-objective adding metric values together might" " not lead to a meaningful result.", stacklevel=2, ) # compute probabilities of feasibility for metrics in the objective # equals regression probabilities in this case for i in range(num_metrics): if objective_weights[i] != 0.0: lb = 0.0 if upper_is_better[i] else -np.inf ub = np.inf if upper_is_better[i] else 0.0 prob_infeasibility[:, i] = 1.0 - none_throws( self.posterior_feasibility )[i](lb, ub) # per i-th metric, across arms # compute probabilities of feasibility for constraints if outcome_constraints: A, b = outcome_constraints if np.any( np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, ord=0) > 1, 1, A) ): raise ValueError( "Only one metric per constraint allowed. Scalarized " " OutcomeConstraint with multiple metrics per constraint not " "supported." ) for i in range(A.shape[1]): if np.linalg.norm(A[:, i], ord=1) == 0: continue upper = A[:, i] > 0 lower = A[:, i] < 0 ub = np.min(b[upper] / A[upper, i]) if np.any(upper) else np.inf lb = np.max(b[lower] / A[lower, i]) if np.any(lower) else -np.inf prob_infeasibility[:, i] = 1.0 - none_throws( self.posterior_feasibility )[i]( lb, ub ) # per i-th metric, across arms; probability a metric strictly # smaller than lb or strictly larger than ub # for each arm check if it is infeasible with respect to any metric regressions = np.apply_along_axis( np.any, 1, prob_infeasibility >= regression_prob_threshold ) return regressions, prob_infeasibility def _get_success_measurement(self, objective_weights: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray: r""" Returns: A length k array returning a measure of success for each of k arms. """ posterior_means = np.array(none_throws(self.Ys)).T success =, objective_weights) return success
[docs] @copy_doc(DiscreteModel.gen) def gen( self, n: int, parameter_values: Sequence[Sequence[TParamValue]], objective_weights: npt.NDArray | None, outcome_constraints: tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray] | None = None, fixed_features: Mapping[int, TParamValue] | None = None, pending_observations: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[TParamValue]]] | None = None, model_gen_options: TConfig | None = None, ) -> tuple[list[Sequence[TParamValue]], list[float], TGenMetadata]: if objective_weights is None: raise ValueError("EB Ashr model requires objective weights.") model_gen_options = model_gen_options or {} regression_prob_threshold = model_gen_options.get( "regression_prob_threshold", 0.90 ) if not isinstance(regression_prob_threshold, float): raise TypeError( "`regression_prob_threshold` is required among `model_gen_kwargs` \ and must be set to a float." ) # prob_infeasibility: matrix containing probabilities of infeasibilities # for each arm, metric pair regression, prob_infeasibility = self._get_regression_indicator( objective_weights=objective_weights, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, regression_prob_threshold=regression_prob_threshold, ) success = self._get_success_measurement(objective_weights=objective_weights) arms = none_throws(self.X) sorted_arms = sorted( zip(arms, list(success), list(regression), np.arange(len(arms))), key=lambda x: x[1] if not x[2] else -1.0, reverse=True, ) top_arms = [sorted_arms[i][0] for i in range(n)] return ( top_arms, [1.0] * len(top_arms), # uniform weights { "regression": regression, "success": success, "prob_infeasibility": prob_infeasibility, "best_x": sorted_arms[0][0], }, )
[docs] def posterior_feasibility_util( lb: float, ub: float, posterior: GaussianMixture, nonconstant_rvs: npt.NDArray, Y: npt.NDArray, ) -> npt.NDArray: r""" Probabilities of a posterior rv being inside the given interval [lb, up] with bounds included per single metric across arms. Args: lb: Lower bound on the random variable. ub: Upper bound on the random variable. posterior: Posterior classs computing posterior distribution for all non-degenerate (non-constant) arms. nonconstant_rvs: Length k boolean vector indicating which variables are constants. Y: Length k outcome vector. Returns: Length k array of probabilities of feasibility across k arms. """ # Pr(m>ub) # TODO: jmarkovic simplify this directly in Ashr upper_tail = ( posterior.tail_probabilities(left_tail=False, threshold=ub) + posterior.weights[:, 0] * (ub < 0) if ub < np.inf else 0 ) # Pr(m<lb) lower_tail = ( posterior.tail_probabilities(left_tail=True, threshold=lb) + posterior.weights[:, 0] * (lb > 0) if lb > -np.inf else 0 ) prob_feas = np.zeros_like(nonconstant_rvs, dtype=float) # pyre-fixme[58]: `-` is not supported for operand types `float` and # `Union[np.ndarray[typing.Any, np.dtype[typing.Any]], int]`. prob_feas[nonconstant_rvs] = 1.0 - upper_tail - lower_tail prob_feas[~nonconstant_rvs] = (Y[~nonconstant_rvs] >= lb) & ( Y[~nonconstant_rvs] <= ub ) return prob_feas
[docs] def no_model_feasibility_util(lb: float, ub: float, Y: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray: r""" Probabilities (0 or 1) of whether Y is inside [lb, ub]. This covers the degenerate case when all arms have zero variance, and `posterior_feasibility_util` is not usable because there is no posterior. """ return (Y >= lb) & (Y <= ub)