Source code for ax.modelbridge.transforms.trial_as_task

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from logging import Logger
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from ax.core.observation import Observation, ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.parameter import ChoiceParameter, ParameterType
from ax.core.search_space import RobustSearchSpace, SearchSpace
from ax.exceptions.core import UnsupportedError
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.base import Transform
from ax.models.types import TConfig
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger

    # import as module to make sphinx-autodoc-typehints happy
    from ax import modelbridge as modelbridge_module  # noqa F401

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class TrialAsTask(Transform): """Convert trial to one or more task parameters. How trial is mapped to parameter is specified with a map like {parameter_name: {trial_index: level name}}. For example, {"trial_param1": {0: "level1", 1: "level1", 2: "level2"},} will create choice parameters "trial_param1" with is_task=True. Observations with trial 0 or 1 will have "trial_param1" set to "level1", and those with trial 2 will have "trial_param1" set to "level2". Multiple parameter names and mappings can be specified in this dict. The trial level mapping can be specified in config["trial_level_map"]. If not specified, defaults to a parameter with a level for every trial index. For the reverse transform, if there are multiple mappings in the transform the trial will not be set. The created parameter will be given a target value that will default to the lowest trial index in the mapping, or can be provided in config["target_trial"]. Will raise if trial not specified for every point in the training data. Transform is done in-place. """ def __init__( self, search_space: SearchSpace | None = None, observations: list[Observation] | None = None, modelbridge: Optional["modelbridge_module.base.ModelBridge"] = None, config: TConfig | None = None, ) -> None: assert observations is not None, "TrialAsTask requires observations" # Identify values of trial. trials = {obs.features.trial_index for obs in observations} if isinstance(search_space, RobustSearchSpace): raise UnsupportedError( "TrialAsTask transform is not supported for RobustSearchSpace." ) if None in trials: raise ValueError( "Unable to use trial as task since not all observations have " "trial specified." ) # Get trial level map if config is not None and "trial_level_map" in config: # pyre-ignore [9] trial_level_map: dict[str, dict[int | str, int | str]] = config[ "trial_level_map" ] # Validate self.trial_level_map: dict[str, dict[int, int | str]] = {} for _p_name, level_dict in trial_level_map.items(): # cast trial index as an integer int_keyed_level_dict = { int(trial_index): v for trial_index, v in level_dict.items() } self.trial_level_map[_p_name] = int_keyed_level_dict # Check that trials match those in data level_map = set(int_keyed_level_dict.keys()) if not trials.issubset(level_map): raise ValueError( f"Not all trials in data ({trials}) contained " f"in trial level map for {_p_name} ({level_map})" ) else: # Set TRIAL_PARAM for each trial to the corresponding trial_index. # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Union[bytes, str, typing.SupportsInt]` for # 1st param but got `Optional[np.int64]`. self.trial_level_map = {TRIAL_PARAM: {int(b): str(b) for b in trials}} if len(self.trial_level_map) == 1: level_dict = next(iter(self.trial_level_map.values())) self.inverse_map: dict[int | str, int] | None = { v: k for k, v in level_dict.items() } else: self.inverse_map = None # Compute target values self.target_values: dict[str, int | str] = {} for p_name, trial_map in self.trial_level_map.items(): if config is not None and "target_trial" in config: target_trial = int(config["target_trial"]) # pyre-ignore [6] else: target_trial = min(trial_map.keys()) logger.debug(f"Setting target value for {p_name} to {target_trial}") self.target_values[p_name] = trial_map[target_trial]
[docs] def transform_observation_features( self, observation_features: list[ObservationFeatures] ) -> list[ObservationFeatures]: """If the trial_index is in ``level_dict``, which is from trials with data, use the value for that trial index from ``level_dict``, which is probably the stringified trial index, as the task parameter. If the trial index is None or not in ``level_dict``, use the value from the most recent trial. Trial indices not observed are probably pending points from candidate or staged trials. Trial indices set to None are probably pending points passed in by the user. """ for obsf in observation_features: for p_name, level_dict in self.trial_level_map.items(): if obsf.trial_index is not None and int(obsf.trial_index) in level_dict: obsf.parameters[p_name] = level_dict[int(obsf.trial_index)] elif len(obsf.parameters) > 0: # If the trial index is none, but the parameters are not empty # perform the transform by assuming the observation is from the # most recent trial. This is needed for generating trials composed # of points from multiple models. obsf.parameters[p_name] = level_dict[max(level_dict)] obsf.trial_index = None return observation_features
def _transform_search_space(self, search_space: SearchSpace) -> SearchSpace: for p_name, level_dict in self.trial_level_map.items(): level_values = sorted(set(level_dict.values())) if len(level_values) < 2: details = ( f"only 1 found: {level_values}" if level_values else "none found" ) raise ValueError( f"TrialAsTask transform expects 2+ task params, {details}" ) is_int = all(isinstance(val, int) for val in level_values) trial_param = ChoiceParameter( name=p_name, parameter_type=ParameterType.INT if is_int else ParameterType.STRING, values=level_values, # pyre-fixme [6] # if all values are integers, retain the original order # they are encoded in TaskChoiceToIntTaskChoice is_ordered=is_int, is_task=True, sort_values=True, target_value=self.target_values[p_name], ) search_space.add_parameter(trial_param) return search_space
[docs] def untransform_observation_features( self, observation_features: list[ObservationFeatures] ) -> list[ObservationFeatures]: for obsf in observation_features: for p_name in self.trial_level_map: pval = obsf.parameters.pop(p_name) # pyre-fixme[61]: `pval` may not be initialized here. if self.inverse_map is not None and pval in self.inverse_map: # pyre-fixme[61]: `pval` may not be initialized here. obsf.trial_index = self.inverse_map[pval] return observation_features