Source code for ax.core.search_space

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import warnings
from import Callable, Hashable, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import reduce
from logging import Logger
from random import choice, uniform
from typing import Sequence

import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
from ax import core
from ax.core.arm import Arm
from ax.core.parameter import (
from ax.core.parameter_constraint import (
from ax.core.parameter_distribution import ParameterDistribution
from ax.core.types import TParameterization
from ax.exceptions.core import AxWarning, UnsupportedError, UserInputError
from ax.utils.common.base import Base
from ax.utils.common.constants import Keys
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from pyre_extensions import none_throws
from scipy.special import expit, logit

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)
PARAMETER_DF_COLNAMES: Mapping[Hashable, str] = {
    "name": "Name",
    "type": "Type",
    "domain": "Domain",
    "parameter_type": "Datatype",
    "flags": "Flags",
    "target_value": "Target Value",
    "dependents": "Dependent Parameters",

[docs] class SearchSpace(Base): """Base object for SearchSpace object. Contains a set of Parameter objects, each of which have a name, type, and set of valid values. The search space also contains a set of ParameterConstraint objects, which can be used to define restrictions across parameters (e.g. p_a < p_b). """ def __init__( self, parameters: Sequence[Parameter], parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize SearchSpace Args: parameters: List of parameter objects for the search space. parameter_constraints: List of parameter constraints. """ if len({ for p in parameters}) < len(parameters): raise ValueError("Parameter names must be unique.") self._parameters: dict[str, Parameter] = { p for p in parameters} self.set_parameter_constraints(parameter_constraints or []) @property def is_hierarchical(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, HierarchicalSearchSpace) @property def is_robust(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, RobustSearchSpace) @property def parameters(self) -> dict[str, Parameter]: return self._parameters @property def parameter_constraints(self) -> list[ParameterConstraint]: return self._parameter_constraints @property def range_parameters(self) -> dict[str, RangeParameter]: return { name: parameter for name, parameter in self.parameters.items() if isinstance(parameter, RangeParameter) } @property def tunable_parameters(self) -> dict[str, Parameter]: return { name: parameter for name, parameter in self.parameters.items() if not isinstance(parameter, FixedParameter) } def __getitem__(self, parameter_name: str) -> Parameter: """Retrieves the parameter""" if parameter_name in self.parameters: return self.parameters[parameter_name] raise ValueError( f"Parameter '{parameter_name}' is not part of the search space." )
[docs] def add_parameter_constraints( self, parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] ) -> None: self._validate_parameter_constraints(parameter_constraints) self._parameter_constraints.extend(parameter_constraints)
[docs] def set_parameter_constraints( self, parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] ) -> None: # Validate that all parameters in constraints are in search # space already. self._validate_parameter_constraints(parameter_constraints) # Set the parameter on the constraint to be the parameter by # the matching name among the search space's parameters, so we # are not keeping two copies of the same parameter. for constraint in parameter_constraints: if isinstance(constraint, OrderConstraint): constraint._lower_parameter = self.parameters[ ] constraint._upper_parameter = self.parameters[ ] elif isinstance(constraint, SumConstraint): for idx, parameter in enumerate(constraint.parameters): constraint.parameters[idx] = self.parameters[] self._parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] = parameter_constraints
[docs] def add_parameter(self, parameter: Parameter) -> None: if in self.parameters.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Parameter `{}` already exists in search space. " "Use `update_parameter` to update an existing parameter." ) self._parameters[] = parameter
[docs] def update_parameter(self, parameter: Parameter) -> None: if not in self._parameters.keys(): raise ValueError( f"Parameter `{}` does not exist in search space. " "Use `add_parameter` to add a new parameter." ) prev_type = self._parameters[].parameter_type if parameter.parameter_type != prev_type: raise ValueError( f"Parameter `{}` has type {}. " f"Cannot update to type {}." ) self._parameters[] = parameter
[docs] def check_all_parameters_present( self, parameterization: Mapping[str, TParamValue], raise_error: bool = False ) -> bool: """Whether a given parameterization contains all the parameters in the search space. Args: parameterization: Dict from parameter name to value to validate. raise_error: If true parameterization does not belong, raises an error with detailed explanation of why. Returns: Whether the parameterization is contained in the search space. """ parameterization_params = set(parameterization.keys()) ss_params = set(self.parameters.keys()) if parameterization_params != ss_params: if raise_error: raise ValueError( f"Parameterization has parameters: {parameterization_params}, " f"but search space has parameters: {ss_params}." ) return False return True
[docs] def check_membership( self, parameterization: Mapping[str, TParamValue], raise_error: bool = False, check_all_parameters_present: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Whether the given parameterization belongs in the search space. Checks that the given parameter values have the same name/type as search space parameters, are contained in the search space domain, and satisfy the parameter constraints. Args: parameterization: Dict from parameter name to value to validate. raise_error: If true parameterization does not belong, raises an error with detailed explanation of why. check_all_parameters_present: Ensure that parameterization specifies values for all parameters as expected by the search space. Returns: Whether the parameterization is contained in the search space. """ if check_all_parameters_present: if not self.check_all_parameters_present( parameterization=parameterization, raise_error=raise_error ): return False for name, value in parameterization.items(): if not self.parameters[name].validate(value): if raise_error: raise ValueError( f"{value} is not a valid value for " f"parameter {self.parameters[name]}" ) return False # parameter constraints only accept numeric parameters numerical_param_dict = { name: float(none_throws(value)) for name, value in parameterization.items() if self.parameters[name].is_numeric } for constraint in self._parameter_constraints: if not constraint.check(numerical_param_dict): if raise_error: raise ValueError(f"Parameter constraint {constraint} is violated.") return False return True
[docs] def check_types( self, parameterization: TParameterization, allow_none: bool = True, allow_extra_params: bool = True, raise_error: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Checks that the given parameterization's types match the search space. Args: parameterization: Dict from parameter name to value to validate. allow_none: Whether None is a valid parameter value. allow_extra_params: If parameterization can have params not in search space. raise_error: If true and parameterization does not belong, raises an error with detailed explanation of why. Returns: Whether the parameterization has valid types. """ for name, value in parameterization.items(): if name not in self.parameters: if allow_extra_params: continue elif raise_error: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} not defined in search space") else: return False if value is None and allow_none: continue if not self.parameters[name].is_valid_type(value): if raise_error: raise ValueError( f"{value} is not a valid value for " f"parameter {self.parameters[name]}" ) return False return True
[docs] def cast_arm(self, arm: Arm) -> Arm: """Cast parameterization of given arm to the types in this SearchSpace. For each parameter in given arm, cast it to the proper type specified in this search space. Throws if there is a mismatch in parameter names. This is mostly useful for int/float, which user can be sloppy with when hand written. Args: arm: Arm to cast. Returns: New casted arm. """ new_parameters: TParameterization = {} for name, value in arm.parameters.items(): # Allow raw values for out of space parameters. if name not in self.parameters: new_parameters[name] = value else: new_parameters[name] = self.parameters[name].cast(value) return Arm(new_parameters, if arm.has_name else None)
[docs] def out_of_design_arm(self) -> Arm: """Create a default out-of-design arm. An out of design arm contains values for some parameters which are outside of the search space. In the modeling conversion, these parameters are all stripped down to an empty dictionary, since the point is already outside of the modeled space. Returns: New arm w/ null parameter values. """ return self.construct_arm()
[docs] def construct_arm( self, parameters: TParameterization | None = None, name: str | None = None ) -> Arm: """Construct new arm using given parameters and name. Any missing parameters fallback to the experiment defaults, represented as None. """ final_parameters: TParameterization = {k: None for k in self.parameters.keys()} if parameters is not None: # Validate the param values for p_name, p_value in parameters.items(): if p_name not in self.parameters: raise ValueError(f"`{p_name}` does not exist in search space.") if p_value is not None and not self.parameters[p_name].validate( p_value ): raise ValueError( f"`{p_value}` is not a valid value for parameter {p_name}." ) final_parameters.update(none_throws(parameters)) return Arm(parameters=final_parameters, name=name)
[docs] def clone(self) -> SearchSpace: return self.__class__( parameters=[p.clone() for p in self._parameters.values()], parameter_constraints=[pc.clone() for pc in self._parameter_constraints], )
def _validate_parameter_constraints( self, parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] ) -> None: for constraint in parameter_constraints: if isinstance(constraint, OrderConstraint) or isinstance( constraint, SumConstraint ): for parameter in constraint.parameters: if not in self._parameters.keys(): raise ValueError( f"`{}` does not exist in search space." ) if parameter != self._parameters[]: raise ValueError( f"Parameter constraint's definition of '{}' " "does not match the SearchSpace's definition" ) else: for parameter_name in constraint.constraint_dict.keys(): if parameter_name not in self._parameters.keys(): raise ValueError( f"`{parameter_name}` does not exist in search space." )
[docs] def validate_membership(self, parameters: TParameterization) -> None: self.check_membership(parameterization=parameters, raise_error=True) # `check_membership` uses int and float interchangeably, which we don't # want here. for p_name, parameter in self.parameters.items(): if isinstance(self, HierarchicalSearchSpace) and p_name not in parameters: # Parameterizations in HSS-s can be missing some of the dependent # parameters based on the hierarchical structure and values of # the parameters those depend on. continue param_val = parameters.get(p_name) if not isinstance(param_val, parameter.python_type): typ = type(param_val) raise UnsupportedError( f"Value for parameter {p_name}: {param_val} is of type {typ}, " f"expected {parameter.python_type}. If the intention was to have" f" the parameter on experiment be of type {typ}, set `value_type`" f" on experiment creation for {p_name}." )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" "parameters=" + repr(list(self._parameters.values())) + ", " "parameter_constraints=" + repr(self._parameter_constraints) + ")" ) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Make the class hashable to support grouping of GeneratorRuns.""" return hash(repr(self)) @property def summary_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Creates a dataframe with information about each parameter in the given search space. The resulting dataframe has one row per parameter, and the following columns: - Name: the name of the parameter. - Type: the parameter subclass (Fixed, Range, Choice). - Domain: the parameter's domain (e.g., "range=[0, 1]" or "values=['a', 'b']"). - Datatype: the datatype of the parameter (int, float, str, bool). - Flags: flags associated with the parameter, if any. - Target Value: the target value of the parameter, if applicable. - Dependent Parameters: for parameters in hierarchical search spaces, mapping from parameter value -> list of dependent parameter names. """ records = [p.summary_dict for p in self.parameters.values()] df = pd.DataFrame(records).fillna(value="None") df.rename(columns=PARAMETER_DF_COLNAMES, inplace=True) # Reorder columns. df = df[ [ colname for colname in PARAMETER_DF_COLNAMES.values() if colname in df.columns ] ] return df
[docs] class HierarchicalSearchSpace(SearchSpace): def __init__( self, parameters: list[Parameter], parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( parameters=parameters, parameter_constraints=parameter_constraints ) self._all_parameter_names: set[str] = set(self.parameters.keys()) self._root: Parameter = self._find_root() self._validate_hierarchical_structure() logger.debug(f"Found root: {self.root}.") @property def root(self) -> Parameter: """Root of the hierarchical search space tree, as identified during ``HierarchicalSearchSpace`` construction. """ return self._root
[docs] def flatten(self) -> SearchSpace: """Returns a flattened ``SearchSpace`` with all the parameters in the given ``HierarchicalSearchSpace``; ignores their hierarchical structure. """ return SearchSpace( parameters=list(self.parameters.values()), parameter_constraints=self.parameter_constraints, )
[docs] def cast_observation_features( self, observation_features: core.observation.ObservationFeatures ) -> core.observation.ObservationFeatures: """Cast parameterization of given observation features to the hierarchical structure of the given search space; return the newly cast observation features with the full parameterization stored in ``metadata`` under ``Keys.FULL_PARAMETERIZATION``. For each parameter in given parameterization, cast it to the proper type specified in this search space and remove it from the parameterization if that parameter should not be in the arm within the search space due to its hierarchical structure. """ full_parameterization_md = { Keys.FULL_PARAMETERIZATION: observation_features.parameters.copy() } obs_feats = observation_features.clone( replace_parameters=self._cast_parameterization( parameters=observation_features.parameters, check_all_parameters_present=False, ) ) if not obs_feats.metadata: obs_feats.metadata = full_parameterization_md # pyre-ignore[8] else: obs_feats.metadata = {**obs_feats.metadata, **full_parameterization_md} return obs_feats
[docs] def flatten_observation_features( self, observation_features: core.observation.ObservationFeatures, inject_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization: bool = False, use_random_dummy_values: bool = False, ) -> core.observation.ObservationFeatures: """Flatten observation features that were previously cast to the hierarchical structure of the given search space; return the newly flattened observation features. This method re-injects parameter values that were removed from observation features during casting (as they are saved in observation features metadata). Args: observation_features: Observation features corresponding to one point to flatten. inject_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization: Whether to inject values for parameters that are not in the parameterization. This will be used to complete the parameterization after re-injecting the parameters that are recorded in the metadata (for parameters that were generated by Ax). use_random_dummy_values: Whether to use random values for missing parameters. If False, we set the values to the middle of the corresponding parameter domain range. """ obs_feats = observation_features has_full_parameterization = Keys.FULL_PARAMETERIZATION in ( obs_feats.metadata or {} ) if obs_feats.parameters == {} and not has_full_parameterization: # Return as is if the observation feature does not have any parameters. return obs_feats if has_full_parameterization: # If full parameterization is recorded, use it to fill in missing values. full_parameterization = none_throws(obs_feats.metadata)[ Keys.FULL_PARAMETERIZATION ] obs_feats.parameters = {**full_parameterization, **obs_feats.parameters} if len(obs_feats.parameters) < len(self.parameters): if inject_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization: # Inject dummy values for parameters missing from the parameterization. dummy_values_to_inject = ( self._gen_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization( observation_features=obs_feats, use_random_dummy_values=use_random_dummy_values, ) ) obs_feats.parameters = { **dummy_values_to_inject, **obs_feats.parameters, } else: # The parameterization is still incomplete. warnings.warn( f"Cannot flatten observation features {obs_feats} as full " "parameterization is not recorded in metadata and " "`inject_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization` is " "set to False.", AxWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return obs_feats
[docs] def check_membership( self, parameterization: Mapping[str, TParamValue], raise_error: bool = False, check_all_parameters_present: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Whether the given parameterization belongs in the search space. Checks that the given parameter values have the same name/type as search space parameters, are contained in the search space domain, and satisfy the parameter constraints. Args: parameterization: Dict from parameter name to value to validate. raise_error: If true parameterization does not belong, raises an error with detailed explanation of why. check_all_parameters_present: Ensure that parameterization specifies values for all parameters as expected by the search space and its hierarchical structure. Returns: Whether the parameterization is contained in the search space. """ super().check_membership( parameterization=parameterization, raise_error=raise_error, check_all_parameters_present=False, ) # Check that each arm "belongs" in the hierarchical # search space; ensure that it only has the parameters that make sense # with each other (and does not contain dependent parameters if the # parameter they depend on does not have the correct value). try: cast_to_hss_params = set( self._cast_parameterization( parameters=parameterization, check_all_parameters_present=check_all_parameters_present, ).keys() ) except RuntimeError: if raise_error: raise return False parameterization_params = set(parameterization.keys()) if cast_to_hss_params != parameterization_params: if raise_error: raise ValueError( "Parameterization violates the hierarchical structure of the search" f"space; cast version would have parameters: {cast_to_hss_params}," f" but full version contains parameters: {parameterization_params}." ) return False return True
[docs] def hierarchical_structure_str(self, parameter_names_only: bool = False) -> str: """String representation of the hierarchical structure. Args: parameter_names_only: Whether parameter should show up just as names (instead of full parameter strings), useful for a more concise representation. """ def _hrepr(param: Parameter | None, value: str | None, level: int) -> str: is_level_param = param and not value if is_level_param: param = none_throws(param) node_name = f"{ if parameter_names_only else param}" ret = "\t" * level + node_name + "\n" if param.is_hierarchical: for val, deps in param.dependents.items(): ret += _hrepr(param=None, value=str(val), level=level + 1) for param_name in deps: ret += _hrepr( param=self[param_name], value=None, level=level + 2, ) else: value = none_throws(value) node_name = f"({value})" ret = "\t" * level + node_name + "\n" return ret return _hrepr(param=self.root, value=None, level=0)
def _cast_arm(self, arm: Arm) -> Arm: """Cast parameterization of given arm to the types in this search space and to its hierarchical structure; return the newly cast arm. For each parameter in given arm, cast it to the proper type specified in this search space and remove it from the arm if that parameter should not be in the arm within the search space due to its hierarchical structure. """ # Validate parameter values in flat search space. arm = super().cast_arm(arm=arm) return Arm( parameters=self._cast_parameterization(parameters=arm.parameters), name=arm._name, ) def _cast_parameterization( self, parameters: Mapping[str, TParamValue], check_all_parameters_present: bool = True, ) -> TParameterization: """Cast parameterization (of an arm, observation features, etc.) to the hierarchical structure of this search space. Args: parameters: Parameterization to cast to hierarchical structure. check_all_parameters_present: Whether to raise an error if a parameter that is expected to be present (according to values of other parameters and the hierarchical structure of the search space) is not specified. When this is False, if a parameter is missing, its dependents will not be included in the returned parameterization. """ error_msg_prefix: str = ( f"Parameterization {parameters} violates the hierarchical structure " f"of the search space: {self.hierarchical_structure_str}." ) def _find_applicable_parameters(root: Parameter) -> set[str]: applicable = {} if check_all_parameters_present and not in parameters: raise RuntimeError( error_msg_prefix + f"Parameter '{}' not in parameterization to cast." ) # Return if the root parameter is not hierarchical or if it is not # in the parameterization to cast. if not root.is_hierarchical or not in parameters: return applicable # Find the dependents of the current root parameter. root_val = parameters[] for val, deps in root.dependents.items(): if root_val == val: for dep in deps: applicable.update(_find_applicable_parameters(root=self[dep])) return applicable applicable_paramers = _find_applicable_parameters(root=self.root) if check_all_parameters_present and not all( k in parameters for k in applicable_paramers ): raise RuntimeError( error_msg_prefix + f"Parameters {applicable_paramers - set(parameters.keys())} are" " missing." ) return {k: v for k, v in parameters.items() if k in applicable_paramers} def _find_root(self) -> Parameter: """Find the root of hierarchical search space: a parameter that does not depend on other parameters. """ dependent_parameter_names = set() for parameter in self.parameters.values(): if parameter.is_hierarchical: for deps in parameter.dependents.values(): dependent_parameter_names.update(param_name for param_name in deps) root_parameters = self._all_parameter_names - dependent_parameter_names if len(root_parameters) != 1: num_parameters = len(self.parameters) # TODO: In the future, do not need to fail here; can add a "unifying" root # fixed parameter, on which all independent parameters in the HSS can # depend. raise NotImplementedError( "Could not find the root parameter; found dependent parameters " f"{dependent_parameter_names}, with {num_parameters} total parameters." f" Root parameter candidates: {root_parameters}. Having multiple " "independent parameters is not yet supported." ) return self.parameters[root_parameters.pop()] @property def height(self) -> int: """ Height of the underlying tree structure of this hierarchical search space. """ def _height_from_parameter(parameter: Parameter) -> int: if not parameter.is_hierarchical: return 1 return ( max( _height_from_parameter(parameter=self[param_name]) for deps in parameter.dependents.values() for param_name in deps ) + 1 ) return _height_from_parameter(parameter=self.root) def _validate_hierarchical_structure(self) -> None: """Validate the structure of this hierarchical search space, ensuring that all subtrees are independent (not sharing any parameters) and that all parameters are reachable and part of the tree. """ def _check_subtree(root: Parameter) -> set[str]: logger.debug(f"Verifying subtree with root {root}...") visited = {} # Base case: validate leaf node. if not root.is_hierarchical: return visited # TODO: Should there be other validation? # Recursive case: validate each subtree. visited_in_subtrees = ( # Generator of sets of visited parameter names. _check_subtree(root=self[param_name]) for deps in root.dependents.values() for param_name in deps ) # Check that subtrees are disjoint and return names of visited params. visited.update( reduce( lambda set1, set2: _disjoint_union(set1=set1, set2=set2), visited_in_subtrees, next(visited_in_subtrees), ) ) logger.debug(f"Visited parameters {visited} in subtree.") return visited # Verify that all nodes have been reached. visited = _check_subtree(root=self._root) if len(self._all_parameter_names - visited) != 0: raise UserInputError( f"Parameters {self._all_parameter_names - visited} are not reachable " "from the root. Please check that the hierachical search space provided" " is represented as a valid tree with a single root." ) logger.debug(f"Visited all parameters in the tree: {visited}.") def _gen_dummy_values_to_complete_flat_parameterization( self, observation_features: core.observation.ObservationFeatures, use_random_dummy_values: bool, ) -> dict[str, TParamValue]: dummy_values_to_inject = {} for param_name, param in self.parameters.items(): if param_name in observation_features.parameters: continue if isinstance(param, FixedParameter): dummy_values_to_inject[param_name] = param.value elif isinstance(param, ChoiceParameter): if use_random_dummy_values: dummy_value = choice(param.values) else: dummy_value = param.values[len(param.values) // 2] dummy_values_to_inject[param_name] = dummy_value elif isinstance(param, RangeParameter): lower, upper = float(param.lower), float(param.upper) if use_random_dummy_values: val = uniform(lower, upper) elif param.log_scale: log_lower, log_upper = math.log10(lower), math.log10(upper) log_mid = (log_upper + log_lower) / 2.0 val = math.pow(10, log_mid) elif param.logit_scale: logit_lower, logit_upper = logit(lower).item(), logit(upper).item() logit_mid = (logit_upper + logit_lower) / 2.0 val = expit(logit_mid).item() else: val = (upper + lower) / 2.0 if param.parameter_type is ParameterType.INT: # This makes the distribution uniform after casting to int. val += 0.5 dummy_values_to_inject[param_name] = param.cast(val) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unhandled parameter type on parameter {param}." ) return dummy_values_to_inject
[docs] class RobustSearchSpace(SearchSpace): """Search space for robust optimization that supports environmental variables and input noise. In addition to the usual search space properties, this allows specifying environmental variables (parameters) and input noise distributions. """ def __init__( self, parameters: list[Parameter], parameter_distributions: list[ParameterDistribution], num_samples: int, environmental_variables: list[Parameter] | None = None, parameter_constraints: list[ParameterConstraint] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the robust search space. Args: parameters: List of parameter objects for the search space. parameter_distributions: List of parameter distributions, each representing the distribution of one or more parameters. These can be used to specify the distribution of the environmental variables or the input noise distribution on the parameters. num_samples: Number of samples to draw from the `parameter_distributions` for the MC approximation of the posterior risk measure. Must agree with the `n_w` of the risk measure in `OptimizationConfig`. environmental_variables: List of parameter objects, each denoting an environmental variable. These must have associated parameter distributions. parameter_constraints: List of parameter constraints. """ if len(parameter_distributions) == 0: raise UserInputError( "RobustSearchSpace requires at least one distributional parameter. " "Use SearchSpace instead." ) if num_samples < 1 or int(num_samples) != num_samples: raise UserInputError("`num_samples` must be a positive integer!") self.num_samples = num_samples self.parameter_distributions = parameter_distributions # Make sure that the env var names are unique. environmental_variables = environmental_variables or [] all_env_vars: set[str] = { for p in environmental_variables} if len(all_env_vars) < len(environmental_variables): raise UserInputError("Environmental variable names must be unique!") self._environmental_variables: dict[str, Parameter] = { p for p in environmental_variables } # Make sure that the environmental variables and parameters are distinct. param_names = { for p in parameters} for p_name in self._environmental_variables: if p_name in param_names: raise UserInputError( f"Environmental variable {p_name} should not be repeated " "in parameters." ) # NOTE: We need `_environmental_variables` set before calling `__init__`. super().__init__( parameters=parameters, parameter_constraints=parameter_constraints ) self._validate_distributions() def _validate_distributions(self) -> None: r"""Validate the parameter distributions. * All distributional parameters must be range parameters. * All environmental variables must have a non-multiplicative distribution. * Either all or none of the perturbation distributions must be multiplicative. * Each parameter can have at most one distribution associated with it. """ distributions = self.parameter_distributions # Make sure that there is at most one distribution per parameter. self._distributional_parameters: set[str] = set() for dist in distributions: duplicates = self._distributional_parameters.intersection(dist.parameters) if duplicates: raise UserInputError( "Received multiple parameter distributions for parameters " f"{duplicates}. Make sure that there is at most one distribution " "specified for any given parameter / environmental variable." ) self._distributional_parameters.update(dist.parameters) all_env_vars = set(self._environmental_variables.keys()) if not all_env_vars.issubset(self._distributional_parameters): raise UserInputError( "All environmental variables must have a distribution specified." ) self._environmental_distributions: list[ParameterDistribution] = [] self._perturbation_distributions: list[ParameterDistribution] = [] if len(all_env_vars) > 0: if all_env_vars != self._distributional_parameters: # NOTE: We do not support mixing env var and input noise together # in a single `ParameterDistribuion`. for dist in distributions: is_env = [p in all_env_vars for p in dist.parameters] if not all(is_env) and any(is_env): raise UnsupportedError( "A `ParameterDistribution` must represent either the " "distribution of a set of environmental variables or " "a set of parameter perturbations. Mixing the distribution " "of both types in a single `ParameterDistribution` is " f"not supported. Offending distribution: {dist}." ) if any(is_env): self._environmental_distributions.append(dist) else: self._perturbation_distributions.append(dist) else: self._environmental_distributions = distributions if any(d.multiplicative for d in self._environmental_distributions): raise UserInputError( "Distributions of environmental variables must have " "`multiplicative=False`." ) else: self._perturbation_distributions = distributions if not all( isinstance(self.parameters[p], RangeParameter) for p in self._distributional_parameters ): raise UserInputError( "All parameters with an associated distribution must be " "range parameters." ) # Make sure that all or none of perturbation distributions are multiplicative. mul_flags = [d.multiplicative for d in self._perturbation_distributions] if not (all(mul_flags) or not any(mul_flags)): raise UnsupportedError( "Non-environmental parameter distributions must be either all " "multiplicative or all additive (not multiplicative)." ) self.multiplicative = any(mul_flags)
[docs] def is_environmental_variable(self, parameter_name: str) -> bool: r"""Check if a given parameter is an environmental variable. Args: parameter: A string denoting the name of the parameter. Returns: A boolean denoting whether the given `parameter_name` corresponds to an environmental variable of this search space. """ return parameter_name in self._environmental_variables
@property def parameters(self) -> dict[str, Parameter]: """Get all parameters and environmental variables. We include environmental variables here to support `transform_search_space` and other similar functionality. It also helps avoid having to overwrite a bunch of parent methods. """ return {**self._parameters, **self._environmental_variables}
[docs] def update_parameter(self, parameter: Parameter) -> None: raise UnsupportedError("RobustSearchSpace does not support `update_parameter`.")
[docs] def clone(self) -> RobustSearchSpace: return self.__class__( parameters=[p.clone() for p in self._parameters.values()], parameter_distributions=[d.clone() for d in self.parameter_distributions], num_samples=self.num_samples, environmental_variables=[ p.clone() for p in self._environmental_variables.values() ], parameter_constraints=[pc.clone() for pc in self._parameter_constraints], )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" "parameters=" + repr(list(self._parameters.values())) + ", " "parameter_distributions=" + repr(self.parameter_distributions) + ", " "num_samples=" + repr(self.num_samples) + ", " "environmental_variables=" + repr(list(self._environmental_variables.values())) + ", " "parameter_constraints=" + repr(self._parameter_constraints) + ")" )
[docs] @dataclass class SearchSpaceDigest: """Container for lightweight representation of search space properties. This is used for communicating between modelbridge and models. This is an ephemeral object and not meant to be stored / serialized. It is typically constructed from the transformed search space using `extract_search_space_digest`, whose docstring explains how various fields are populated. Attributes: feature_names: A list of parameter names. bounds: A list [(l_0, u_0), ..., (l_d, u_d)] of tuples representing the lower and upper bounds on the respective parameter (both inclusive). ordinal_features: A list of indices corresponding to the parameters to be considered as ordinal discrete parameters. The corresponding bounds are assumed to be integers, and parameter `i` is assumed to take on values `l_i, l_i+1, ..., u_i`. categorical_features: A list of indices corresponding to the parameters to be considered as categorical discrete parameters. The corresponding bounds are assumed to be integers, and parameter `i` is assumed to take on values `l_i, l_i+1, ..., u_i`. discrete_choices: A dictionary mapping indices of discrete (ordinal or categorical) parameters to their respective sets of values provided as a list. task_features: A list of parameter indices to be considered as task parameters. fidelity_features: A list of parameter indices to be considered as fidelity parameters. target_values: A dictionary mapping parameter indices of fidelity or task parameters to their respective target value. robust_digest: An optional `RobustSearchSpaceDigest` that carries the additional attributes if using a `RobustSearchSpace`. """ feature_names: list[str] bounds: list[tuple[int | float, int | float]] ordinal_features: list[int] = field(default_factory=list) categorical_features: list[int] = field(default_factory=list) discrete_choices: Mapping[int, Sequence[int | float]] = field(default_factory=dict) task_features: list[int] = field(default_factory=list) fidelity_features: list[int] = field(default_factory=list) target_values: dict[int, int | float] = field(default_factory=dict) robust_digest: RobustSearchSpaceDigest | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class RobustSearchSpaceDigest: """Container for lightweight representation of properties that are unique to the `RobustSearchSpace`. This is used to append the `SearchSpaceDigest`. NOTE: Both `sample_param_perturbations` and `sample_environmental` should require no inputs and return a `num_samples x d`-dim array of samples from the corresponding parameter distributions, where `d` is the number of non-environmental parameters for `distribution_sampler` and the number of environmental variables for `environmental_sampler`. Attributes: sample_param_perturbations: An optional callable for sampling from the parameter distributions representing input perturbations. sample_environmental: An optional callable for sampling from the distributions of the environmental variables. environmental_variables: A list of environmental variable names. multiplicative: Denotes whether the distribution is multiplicative. Only relevant if paired with a `distribution_sampler`. """ sample_param_perturbations: Callable[[], npt.NDArray] | None = None sample_environmental: Callable[[], npt.NDArray] | None = None environmental_variables: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) multiplicative: bool = False def __post_init__(self) -> None: if ( self.sample_param_perturbations is None and self.sample_environmental is None ): raise UserInputError( "`RobustSearchSpaceDigest` must be initialized with at least one of " "`distribution_sampler` and `environmental_sampler`." )
def _disjoint_union(set1: set[str], set2: set[str]) -> set[str]: if not set1.isdisjoint(set2): raise UserInputError( "Two subtrees in the search space contain the same parameters: " f"{set1.intersection(set2)}." ) logger.debug(f"Subtrees {set1} and {set2} are disjoint.") return set1.union(set2)