Source code for ax.analysis.plotly.arm_effects.utils

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from typing import Any

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
from ax.analysis.plotly.utils import (
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRun
from ax.core.observation import ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.outcome_constraint import OutcomeConstraint
from ax.core.types import TParameterization
from ax.exceptions.core import UserInputError
from ax.modelbridge.base import ModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.prediction_utils import predict_at_point
from plotly import express as px, graph_objects as go
from pyre_extensions import none_throws

[docs] def format_parameters_for_effects_by_arm_plot( parameters: TParameterization, max_num_params: int = 5 ) -> str: """Format the parameters for tooltips in the predicted or insample effects plot.""" parameter_items = list(parameters.items())[:max_num_params] string = "<br /> " + "<br /> ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in parameter_items]) if len(parameter_items) < len(parameters): string += "<br /> ..." return string
[docs] def prepare_arm_effects_plot( df: pd.DataFrame, metric_name: str, outcome_constraints: list[OutcomeConstraint] ) -> go.Figure: """Prepare a plotly figure for the predicted effects based on the data in df. Args: metric_name: The name of the metric to plot. outcome_constraints: The outcome constraints for the experiment used to determine if the metric is a constraint, and if so, what the bound is so the bound can be rendered in the plot. df: A dataframe of data to plot with the following columns: - source: In-sample or model key that geneerated the candidate - arm_name: The name of the arm - mean: The observed or predicted mean of the metric specified - sem: The observed or predicted sem of the metric specified - error_margin: The 95% CI of the metric specified for the arm - size_column: The size of the circle in the plot, which represents the probability that the arm is feasible (does not violate any constraints). - parameters: A string representation of the parameters for the arm to be viewed in the tooltip. - constraints_violated: A string representation of the probability each constraint is violated for the arm, to be viewed in the tooltip. """ fig = px.scatter( df, x="arm_name", y="mean", error_y="error_margin", color="source", # TODO: can we format this by callable or string template? hover_data=_get_parameter_columns(df), # avoid red because it will match the constraint violation indicator color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Vivid, ) dot_size = 8 # set all dots to size 8 in plots fig.update_traces(marker={"line": {"width": 2}, "size": dot_size}) # Manually create each constraint violation indicator # as a red outline around the dot, with alpha based on the # probability of constraint violation. for trace in # there is a trace per source, so get the rows of df # pertaining to this trace indices = df["source"] == trace.marker.line.color = [ # raising the alpha to a power < 1 makes the colors more # visible when there is a lower chance of constraint violation f"rgba(255, 0, 0, {(alpha) ** .75})" for alpha in df.loc[indices, "overall_probability_constraints_violated"] if not np.isnan(alpha) ] # Create a separate trace for the legend, otherwise the legend # will have the constraint violation indicator of the first arm # in the source group legend_trace = go.Scatter( # (None, None) is a hack to get a legend item without # appearing on the plot x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker={ "size": dot_size, "color": trace.marker.color, },, ) fig.add_trace(legend_trace) trace.showlegend = False # Add an item to the legend for the constraint violation indicator if df["overall_probability_constraints_violated"].notna().any(): legend_trace = go.Scatter( # (None, None) is a hack to get a legend item without # appearing on the plot x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker={ "size": dot_size, "color": "white", "line": {"width": 2, "color": "red"}, }, name="Constraint Violation", ) fig.add_trace(legend_trace) _add_style_to_effects_by_arm_plot( fig=fig, df=df, metric_name=metric_name, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints ) return fig
def _get_parameter_columns(df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict[str, bool]: """Get the names of the columns that represent parameters in df.""" return { col: (col not in ["source", "error_margin", "size_column"]) for col in df.columns } def _add_style_to_effects_by_arm_plot( fig: go.Figure, df: pd.DataFrame, metric_name: str, outcome_constraints: list[OutcomeConstraint], ) -> None: """Add style to a plotly figure for predicted or insample effects. - If we have a status quo, we add a solid red line at the status quo mean. - If the metric is a constraint, we add a dashed red line at the constraint bound. - Make the x-axis (arm name) tick angle 45 degrees. """ if "status_quo" in df["arm_name"].values: fig.add_hline( y=df[df["arm_name"] == "status_quo"]["mean"].iloc[0], line_width=1, line_color="red", showlegend=True, name="Status Quo Mean", ) # Add the status quo mean to the legend fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( # (None, None) is a hack to get a legend item without # appearing on the plot x=[None], y=[None], mode="lines", line={"color": "red", "width": 1}, name="Status Quo Mean", ) ) for constraint in outcome_constraints: if == metric_name: assert not constraint.relative fig.add_hline( y=constraint.bound, line_width=1, line_color="red", line_dash="dash", ) # Add the constraint bound to the legend fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( # (None, None) is a hack to get a legend item without # appearing on the plot x=[None], y=[None], mode="lines", line={"color": "red", "width": 1, "dash": "dash"}, name="Constraint Bound", ) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis={ "tickangle": 45, }, legend={ "title": None, }, ) def _get_trial_index_for_predictions(model: ModelBridge) -> int | None: """Returns status quo features index if defined on the model. Otherwise, returns the max observed trial index to appease multitask models for prediction by giving fixed features. The max index is not necessarily accurate and should eventually come from the generation strategy, but at least gives consistent predictions accross trials. """ if model.status_quo is None: observed_trial_indices = [ obs.features.trial_index for obs in model.get_training_data() if obs.features.trial_index is not None ] if len(observed_trial_indices) == 0: return None return max(observed_trial_indices) return model.status_quo.features.trial_index
[docs] def get_predictions_by_arm( model: ModelBridge, metric_name: str, outcome_constraints: list[OutcomeConstraint], gr: GeneratorRun | None = None, abandoned_arms: set[str] | None = None, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: trial_index = _get_trial_index_for_predictions(model) if gr is None: if abandoned_arms: raise UserInputError( "`abandoned_arms` should only be specified if a generator run is " "provided." ) observations = model.get_training_data() features = [o.features for o in observations] arm_names = [o.arm_name for o in observations] for feature in features: feature.trial_index = trial_index else: abandoned_arms = set() if abandoned_arms is None else abandoned_arms features = [ ObservationFeatures(parameters=arm.parameters, trial_index=trial_index) for arm in gr.arms if not in abandoned_arms ] arm_names = [ for a in gr.arms if not in abandoned_arms] try: predictions = [ predict_at_point( model=model, obsf=obsf, metric_names={metric_name}.union( { for constraint in outcome_constraints} ), ) for obsf in features ] except NotImplementedError: raise UserInputError( "This plot requires a GenerationStrategy which is " "in a state where the current model supports prediction. The current " f"model is {model._model_key} and does not support prediction." ) constraints_violated_by_constraint = get_constraint_violated_probabilities( predictions=predictions, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, ) probabilities_not_feasible = constraints_violated_by_constraint.pop( "any_constraint_violated" ) constraints_violated = [ { c: constraints_violated_by_constraint[c][i] for c in constraints_violated_by_constraint } for i in range(len(features)) ] for i in range(len(features)): if ( model.status_quo is not None and features[i].parameters == none_throws(model.status_quo).features.parameters ): probabilities_not_feasible[i] = 0 constraints_violated[i] = {} return [ { "source": "In-sample" if gr is None else gr._model_key, "arm_name": arm_names[i], "mean": predictions[i][0][metric_name], "sem": predictions[i][1][metric_name], "error_margin": 1.96 * predictions[i][1][metric_name], "constraints_violated": format_constraint_violated_probabilities( constraints_violated[i] ), # used for constraint violation indicator "overall_probability_constraints_violated": round( probabilities_not_feasible[i], ndigits=2 ), "parameters": format_parameters_for_effects_by_arm_plot( parameters=features[i].parameters ), } for i in range(len(features)) ]