Source code for ax.analysis.healthcheck.regression_detection_utils

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from import Data
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.observation import observations_from_data

from ax.exceptions.core import DataRequiredError, UserInputError
from ax.modelbridge.discrete import DiscreteModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.registry import rel_EB_ashr_trans
from ax.models.discrete.eb_ashr import EBAshr
from pyre_extensions import assert_is_instance

[docs] def detect_regressions_by_trial( experiment: Experiment, thresholds: dict[str, tuple[float, float]], data: Data | None = None, ) -> dict[int, dict[str, dict[str, float]]]: r""" Identifies all regressing arms across trial along with the metrics they regress. Args: experiment: Ax experiment. thresholds: A dictionary mapping metric names a tuple of (threshold size, threshold probability). data: Experiment data. If None, use the attached experiment data. Returns: A dictionary mapping trial indices to dictionaries containing regressing arm names as keys and a dictionary with the corresponding regressed metrics and a tuple of regression sizes and corresponding regression probabilities as values. """ data = data if data is not None else experiment.lookup_data() regressing_arms_metrics_by_trial = {} for trial_index, trial_df in data.df.groupby("trial_index"): regressing_arms_metrics_by_trial[trial_index] = detect_regressions_single_trial( experiment=experiment, data=Data(df=trial_df), thresholds=thresholds, ) return regressing_arms_metrics_by_trial
[docs] def compute_regression_probabilities_single_trial( experiment: Experiment, size_thresholds: dict[str, float], data: Data | None = None, ) -> tuple[list[str | None], list[str], npt.NDArray]: r""" Computes the probabilities of regression for all arm metric pairs in a single trial. If a metric has lower_is_better indicator set to True (regresses in positive direction), regression probability is defined as Pr(metric value>=(positive) threshold). If a metric has lower_is_better indicator set to False (regresses in negative direction), regression probability is defined as Pr(metric value<=(negative) threshold). Args: experiment: Ax experiment. size_thresholds: A dictionary mapping metric names to threshold sizes. data: Experiment data. If None, use the attached experiment data. Returns: A tuple containing - arm names, - metric names, and corresponding - an array of size n x m where n is the number of arms and m is the number of metrics. Each entry contains the probability of regression for that arm-metric pair. """ data = data if data is not None else experiment.lookup_data() if data.df.empty: raise DataRequiredError("Data must be non-empty.") if len(set(data.df["trial_index"])) > 1: raise UserInputError("The input data should contain only one trial.") # metric names available in the data and also in the given size thresholds dict metric_names = set(size_thresholds.keys()).intersection(set(data.df["metric_name"])) if len(metric_names) == 0: raise ValueError( "No common metrics between the provided data and the size thresholds." "Need to provide both data and the size thresholds for metrics of interest." ) target_data = Data(df=data.df[data.df["metric_name"].isin(metric_names)]) modelbridge = DiscreteModelBridge( experiment=experiment, search_space=experiment.search_space, data=target_data, model=EBAshr(), transforms=rel_EB_ashr_trans, optimization_config=experiment.optimization_config, ) metric_names = modelbridge.outcomes lower_is_better_indicators = np.array( [-1 if experiment.metrics[m].lower_is_better else 1 for m in metric_names] ) # if lower is better: outcome constraints: metric <= (positive) threshold # if upper is better: outcome constraints: metric >= (negative) threshold A = -np.diag(lower_is_better_indicators) b = np.array([abs(size_thresholds[metric]) for metric in metric_names]) _, regression_probabilities = assert_is_instance( modelbridge.model, EBAshr )._get_regression_indicator( objective_weights=np.zeros(len(metric_names)), outcome_constraints=(A, b) ) observations = observations_from_data( experiment=experiment, data=target_data, ) arm_names = [ observations[i].arm_name for i in range(regression_probabilities.shape[0]) ] return arm_names, metric_names, regression_probabilities
[docs] def detect_regressions_single_trial( experiment: Experiment, thresholds: dict[str, tuple[float, float]], data: Data | None = None, ) -> dict[str | None, dict[str, float]]: r""" Identifies all regressing arms along with the metrics they regress for a single trial. Args: experiment: Ax experiment. thresholds: A dictionary mapping metric names a tuple of (threshold size, threshold probability). Returns: A dictionary with regressing arms as keys and another dictionary of corresponding regressed metrics and their corresponding regression probabilities as values. """ data = data if data is not None else experiment.lookup_data() if len(set(data.df["trial_index"])) > 1: raise UserInputError("The input data should contain only one trial.") # metric names available in the data and also in the given thresholds metric_names = set(thresholds.keys()).intersection(set(data.df["metric_name"])) if len(metric_names) == 0: raise ValueError( "No common metrics between the provided data and the thresholds." "Need to provide both data and the size thresholds for metrics of interest." ) size_thresholds = {metric: thresholds[metric][0] for metric in metric_names} ( arm_names, metric_names, regression_probabilities, ) = compute_regression_probabilities_single_trial( experiment=experiment, data=Data(df=data.df[data.df["metric_name"].isin(metric_names)]), size_thresholds=size_thresholds, ) # Regressing arms along with the metrics they regresss regressing_arms_metrics: dict[str | None, dict[str, float]] = defaultdict(dict) for i, arm_name in enumerate(arm_names): for j, metric_name in enumerate(metric_names): if regression_probabilities[i, j] >= thresholds[metric_name][1]: regressing_arms_metrics[arm_name].update( {metric_name: regression_probabilities[i, j]} ) return regressing_arms_metrics